
CERT Brazil videos

I thought it could be helpful to record some short videos showing some of the adaptions and modifications that we made to the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training course here in Brazil. Unfortunately the quality of the videos isn't that great, however I hope that could be of use to those who are adapting the standard CERT course for use in different cross-cultural applications.

These videos are on my Youtube channel, however here some links and brief explanations as well.

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Visit to Fire Department

Visit to Fire Department

Today I was able to take some of the members of our Teen CERT group to visit the Nova Friburgo division of the Rio de Janeiro State Military Fire Department (CBMERJ). The young folk were shown through the ALS ambulance, rescue vehicle and fire engine and received demonstrations of equipment including breathing apparatus and the jaws of life. They then had the opportunity to practise using hose lines.

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Teens' group meeting and party

Teens' group meeting and party

We had a meeting of our teens' group tonight and a surprise party, partly to celebrate Brazilian Childrens' Day, which is next Wednesday, and partly as a social activity as we probably won't have a chance to have another meeting until I get back from New Zealand in mid-December.

It was also an opportunity for six of our teenagers to receive their new ranks within our group structure, including Kevin who is the first member of the group to be awarded the Junior Commander rank.

Turnout was less than expected, which was not doubt due, at least in part, to a shooting (death) that happened here in the hillside last night, and the environment here which feels like we are in a state of siege at the moment. Neverless, the meeting went very well and the party was a great success.

Here are some photos from our meeting tonight.

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Teen CERT course

Teen CERT course

Today we finished another week-long Teen CERT course at the Cordoeira Residents' Association hall in Nova Friburgo with help from the members of our CERT and Teen CERT groups. The course went very well and we had a great final exercise, based around a simulated aircraft crash, with help from a visiting team of overseas missionaries.

Here are some photos from the course and final simulation exercise:

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Teen CERT Course - Municipal School Professor Alberto Meyer

Teen CERT Course - Municipal School Professor Alberto Meyer

This week I finished another Teen CERT course at a municipal school in the suburb of Granja Spinelli, here in Nova Friburgo - RJ, which was badly impacted by the landslides back in January 2011 and, sadly, still shows the scars of that devastation.

21 young people completed the course, which was very encouraging to see, and I am planning to ran another course for another group starting tomorrow.

Here are some photos from the week.

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Teen CERT Course at E.M. Dante Magliano

Teen CERT Course at E.M. Dante Magliano


Last week we ran another Teen CERT course, this time for a dozen teenagers who study at the Escola Municipal Dante Magliano here Nova Friburgo. The course went very well, and it was good to see how the young people learned the basic of emergency preparedness and response during the 20 hour course.

These courses, which are running free-of-charge, have been very well received, and is good to see that we can help prepare our city, which was impacted by  Brazil's worst natural disaster back in 2011. Unfortunately, the recently released Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Plan shows that over 18,000 residents in our city continue to live in houses which have a high to very-high risk of collapse in the event of heavy rainfall.

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Teen CERT course, Cordoeira - Nova Friburgo

Teen CERT course, Cordoeira - Nova Friburgo

This past week we have just finished teaching another Teen CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) course in the suburb of Cordoeira, Nova Friburgo - RJ. As you can see from the photos, there is still a lot of damage around from the landslides that happened in January 2011, and as we are soon to be coming into the rainy season once again, it is good to be focussing once again on community preparedness.

It was a great time, albeit very busy, and you can see how we have been able to obtain and prepare the necessary equipment so as offer the course free of charge to the young people of this at-risk suburb.

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Teen CERT courses - Nova Friburgo

Teen CERT courses - Nova Friburgo


I have just finished a very busy but profitable week, running the Teen CERT disaster response course for two groups of teenagers at a local school. In all, we had 24 students who completed the training.

One of the highlights of the week, for me, was hearing from a young man who had completed the Teen CERT training last year, and told me how that he had used his new found first-aids skills three times since then, including at two traffic accidents.

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